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Peru - Chirinos

Peru - Chirinos

Regular price £10.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.00 GBP
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Tasting Profile

Clean, Bright & Fruity - Haribo Cherry & Green Apple




We recommend resting beans for a minimum of 7 days for filter and 14 days for espresso.

Roast Level

Medium - Light

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  • Technical Data

    Process: Natural

    Region: Chirinos

    Varietal: Caturra, Catimor and Bourbon

    Elevation: 1750-1950 MASL

    Cup Score: 85.25

  • Natural

    The vast majority of coffee in Perú is Washed, and many producers own their own wet-milling equipment, though smallholders may also deliver cherry to a central processing unit or cooperative for processing. This particular lot is Naturally processed, as most smallholder farmers in northern Peru have their own hand pulpers and fermentation tanks to process coffee before patio or raised bed drying. Once processed, the parchment coffee is delivered to the Jaen warehouse where it is graded, moisture tested, roasted and cupped for quality testing before export.

From the Chirinos region of Peru, this beautifully fruity Natural from Peru -

This is our 3rd Peru offering since we began and it's outstanding clarity of flavour, sweetness and brightness has placed it as one of our favourites of the year so far.

This naturally processed coffee from high altitude farmers has given a clear, bright fruity sweetness and acidity that is overly present throughout. Unlike a lot of naturals it doesn't have a large amount of 'funk' which can overpower some coffees, its clarity and brightness make for an outstanding filter brew.

The Producers

This lot is a blend of coffees from various smallholder producers across the Chirinos region. The average farm size amongst these producers is 1.5 hectares, with the main varieties grown being caturra, catimor and bourbon. Most of these producers dry their coffee on plastic mats on the ground, much like patio drying. Coffees were purposefully selected and blended together based on tasting notes typical of the region. All component lots come from high altitude areas and the early harvest, processed and dried by the producers on their farms.

  • Free Shipping

    For all orders over £25 we offer a free shipping service via Royal Mail or DHL.

  • Roast Days

    We currently roast Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays, aiming to pack and ship your coffee as fresh and quick as possible.